UPS Testing Plastic Trucks

Published on June 5, 2011 in News by Dan Fritter

If you run a fleet of vehicles the size of UPS’, chances are good that you’ll take any chance you can to improve your fuel mileage. After all, with fuel prices only going up (or so it would seem, anyway), any reduction in consumption could potentially represent millions of dollars worth of savings. This is why this plastic truck makes so much sense.

Weighing as much as 1,000 pounds less than the standard steel UPS truck, this new composite UPS truck could deliver (no pun intended) a fuel savings of up to 40% over the existing truck, which translates to somewhere in the neighbourhood of 84 million gallons of fuel not burned every year. And although critics may cite safety as one of the reasons behind steel’s extensive use in most vehicles, there’s no shortage of Corvette enthusiasts that will beg to differ. 

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