BMW Says 'No Thanks' To Apple iOS Integration

Published on June 13, 2013 in News by Benjamin Hunting

BMW will be giving the Apple iOS the cold shoulder and not joining the rest of the crowd that have pledged to work together with the computer maker in order to further integrate its software into the infotainment systems of its vehicles.  The decision was reported by Arnold Clark, a major dealership group in the U.K., which noticed that of all the brands listed in Apple's 'iOS in the Car' announcement, the Roundel logo was conspicuously absent.

The reason for BMW's reluctance to supplants its current iDrive system with Apple technology?  According to a brand spokesperson, the German luxury automaker is more than confident that its existing multimedia and communications software can handle the future needs of its customers, pointing out that it has invested millions in the development of its in-house system.  BMW will continue to support iOS integration, but will not go to the extreme of making it the backbone of its own vehicle software.

The move is one that makes sense from a financial and control standpoint, as surrendering the digital real estate inside an automobile could be a tricky balancing act for car companies.  Ford's SYNC system was developed in partnership with Apple competitor Microsoft, but it bears no relation in terms of interface with that company's flagship Windows product.  Given that other car companies have presumably made the same level of investment in their own software operating systems, it remains uncertain as to how much market penetration Apple iOS will actually enjoy with new cars and trucks.

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