Dogecoin will race at Talladega

Published on March 26, 2014 in Racing by Frédérick Boucher-Gaulin

Ever heard about cryptocurrency? It's a fully numeric currency, without any physical bills, that gains value depending on the number of users and the frequency of transactions, among other things. The biggest one is Bitcoin. It is used today in a number of businesses, and is recognized by banks worldwide. It is very volatile, since it is so new - in the time it took to write this text, it fluctuated from $645.90 to $648.20 Canadian dollars.

A lot of people have tried to start their own cryptocurrency, since it is so easy to get rich for initial investors. It is even faster to lose money, though.

Another well-established cryptocurrency, the Dogecoin (created from an Internet meme, Doge) just became the first Internet currency to sponsor a racing driver. Josh Wise is an American racer, currently driving in NASCAR. About a week ago, someone on the website Reddit realized that unless Josh found $55,000 dollars worth of sponsorship, he could not run in the Aaron's 499, held on the prestigious Talladega circuit.

So the people behind the Dogecoin united under the common goal, and exactly 8 days later, 67.8 million of Doges ($55,000) had been collected, giving Josh a chance to win at Talladega. Since Dogecoin just became his main sponsor, his car (sadly not a Dodge, just a Ford) will be covered with a vinyl of the Dogecoin official mascot, the Doge itself.

The money raising campaign was not without incidents, however. In a typical Internet's turn of events, one user pressed the ''0'' key one time too many, and instead of giving a generous 2,000,000 Doges ($1500), he ended up giving 10 times this sum! Since he was an original investor in Dogecoin, he took the mistake very well, even challenging another colleague to match his pledge. This added another 20,000,000 Doges ($15,000) to the bank!

This is not the first funding campaign launched by Dogecoin. They made the news a while ago by collecting enough money to buy plane tickets for the Jamaican bobsleigh team, so they could compete at the Sochi Winter Olympics.

So on May 2-3-4-5, you will be able to see history in the making: an Internet phenomenon will be on the starting line at Talladega, ready to wrestle with NASCAR's biggest names!

Go Doge!

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