Two New BMW Art Cars Are On The Way

Published on November 25, 2015 in News by Frédérick Boucher-Gaulin

BMW’s Art Cars have been part of the automotive world’s lore since 1975. No less than 17 unique cars were covered in unique designs by some well-known artists: from Andy Warhol to Jeff Koon, each of them were responsible for a design. The tradition started when artist Alexander Calder was asked by a friend of his to come up with a livery for his 3.0 CSL; today’s Art Cars are used as a means to promote the brand.

For the next Art Car, we will actually get a two-for-one deal: a pair of M6 GT3 models will be used as a canvas.

The first one will be painted by John Balderassi. The 84-year-old artist will become the oldest painter to be part of the Art Car program; his work has been on display throughout California for the last six decades.

The second M6 GT3 will be the work of Cao Fei, a painter from Guangzhou, China. Ironically, she is the youngest artist to paint on one of BMW’s storied Art Cars, at 38 years old.

Both artists will have a year to work on their project. After that, they will be presented in a museum… but we hope these cars will be used where they should be… on a track.

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