Keep Your Car Shining All Summer by Avoiding These Traps

Published on May 2, 2016 in Tips & Advice: Protect your car by Marc-André Gauthier

Even though it’s summer, you’re having a tough time maintaining your car’s shine. You dutifully wash it every week, but nothing seems to work. The problem may be that you’re inadvertently sabotaging your best intentions. Here are some traps to avoid if you want to keep your car sparkling all summer long.

Car washing no-nos

As the weather heats up, you may be tempted to wash your car yourself. While it’s not necessarily a bad idea, little mistakes can lead to big trouble for your paint finish.

First, make sure your wash mitt or sponge is rinsed out properly. Any residual dirt can scratch the paint surface—all it takes is just one little pebble. For the same reason, you need to change the wash water as soon as it looks cloudy or dirty.

Forget using big brushes to sweep over the car. While these can save you time, the bristles are usually too firm to be used safely on a vehicle and can cause the paint to deteriorate.

Finally, just say no to automatic car washes. The chemicals used for no-contact cleaning are too harsh and can make your car look dull over time. If you can’t wash your car at home, head to a hand car wash.

Be strategic

Another wise trick is to keep your vehicle parked in the shade to prevent the sun from discolouring the paint or damaging the finish.

If you can’t change your parking spot, the least you can do is treat your car to a nice coat of protective wax!

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