Let’s Discover the 2017 Volvo V90 Cross Country!

Published on September 13, 2016 in Spotlight on by Frédérick Boucher-Gaulin

Believe it or not, there are still some people out there who won’t systematically purchase the biggest SUV that their budget will allow them to, as soon as the concept of interior space comes into play. These consumers generally choose a vehicle capable of hauling a large quantity of stuff, but with more modest dimensions. Like a station wagon, for example.

However, the lower ground clearance of a regular wagon might turn off more than a few people. In our neck of the woods, a high-riding vehicle will clear snowbanks much more easily, and that’s why models such as the Audi A4 allroad and the Volvo XC70 are popular here.

Volvo knows this market well, as its Cross Country lineup—which currently consists of the V60 and the S60—is interesting for those who are looking for a midsize vehicle with a greater off-road capacity.

Today, we’re heading to Colorado in order to discover the most recent member of that family, the 2017 Volvo V90 Cross Country. Based on the V90 wagon that we recently drove in Europe (and that we loved), the Cross Country promises a great balance of comfort, luxury and off-road ability.

Check out our website within the next few days for our report on this new version of the Volvo V90 wagon.

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