Emergency Kits: A Winter Must

Published on November 24, 2016 in Tips & Advice: Protect your car by Denis Duquet

Having your car break down is no picnic even at the best of times, but in winter, the consequences can sometimes be dire. That’s why it’s important to take precautions so as not to be caught unprepared in the event of a mechanical problem.

If you want to put together your own winter emergency kit, simply leave a bag in your trunk with the following items inside: warning triangle, emergency blanket, snow shovel, work gloves, mini first aid kit, emergency flares and, of course, a flashlight whose batteries you replace at least once a year. You may already have some of these items around the house, so completing your kit shouldn’t be excessively expensive. Some people include candles or lanterns, as these can provide lighting and emit enough heat to keep the cabin at a decent temperature.

Of course, no kit would be complete without jumper cables. You can pad your kit even more by adding brass wire for minor repairs, a mini air compressor that plugs in to the lighter (if there’s still electricity in the car’s system) and a few basic tools like a screwdriver or ratchet with sockets of various sizes.

Another simple and relatively inexpensive solution is to get a pre-made kit from your local big-box store. These kits come in several formats, ranging from basic to comprehensive.

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