Top 10 Worst-selling Cars Coming Back in 2020

Published on January 22, 2020 in Top 10 by Guillaume Rivard

Photo: Fiat

Every year, a number of models disappear from the market due to poor sales or the fact that they no longer meet the needs of today’s consumers in the eyes of their automakers. We recently showed you 10 cars we won’t see in 2020.

Others manage to hang on despite an extremely low take rate. Want some examples? Here is a gallery of Canada’s top 10 worst-selling cars that are coming back in 2020.

Note: Fuel-cell vehicles (Toyota Mirai, Hyundai Nexo) and those with sales estimates only (McLaren) were not considered. Same thing for Bentley, which does not provide a detailed breakdown of the 108 cars it sold in 2019.

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