Audi Drive Select Wins AJAC's 2010 Best New Technology Award

Published on February 17, 2010 in Toronto by The Car Guide

The Audi Drive Select technology was declared the 2010 Best New Technology by the Automobile Journalists Association of Canada (AJAC). The award was announced today during a press conference that opened the Canadian International AutoShow media day in Toronto.

"The AJAC Best New Technology award, presented by Shell Canada, was established to allow a group of technical writers to identify new and innovative technologies of significant benefit to the consumer - so much so, that it is likely to be emulated by other manufacturers", explained Canadian Car of the Year and Technology Award chairman Richard Russell. "Past winners include everything from run-flat tires to various hybrid and suspension technologies. The significance of the Best New Technology award has been growing steadily over the past few years as has the degree of rigor to which entries are submitted.
The winner was chosen from a list of six entries, judged by a panel of AJAC members with specific technical qualifications who regularly report on industry engineering and technical trends.

""Vorsprung durch Technik" -  Advancement through technology, design and teamwork.  At Audi, we never stop thinking about technology. It is part of our DNA and incorporated into all parts of our business", said Martin Sander, President and CEO. "The Audi Drive Select system is just one of the latest examples of this. The ability to offer the driver at a touch of a button the option of making personal settings for throttle response, steering feel and suspension settings is pure Audi."

AJAC's annual Canadian Car of the Year awards program was created in 1985 with the purpose of providing consumers with sound, comparative information on vehicles that are new to the market.

For that reason, the vote results that determined today's winners are available to consumers as a resource buying guide on the AJAC web site.

Also available are the comparative test data derived from the journalists' extensive four day evaluation of over 150 new vehicles in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario in October.   This annual event is known in the industry as "TestFest".  Shell Canada is the official fuel supplier of the event and in the last year celebrated another milestone in fuels leadership and technology with the launch of Shell Nitrogen Enriched gasolines  across North America.

The rigorous TestFest evaluation program includes real world driving on public roads - exactly where consumers drive so that the test and vote results posted to the AJAC web site are directly relevant to potential car and truck buyers.

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