Tesla Superchargers in Canada Now Using kWh Billing

Published on August 3, 2023 in Electric by Guillaume Rivard

Tesla and its Supercharger network have repeatedly made headlines over the past few weeks as more and more automakers announced they will not only provide their customers with adapters starting next year, but also incorporate Tesla’s North American Charging Standard (NACS) in the design of their future electric vehicles starting in 2025.

The list currently includes FordGMRivianVolvoPolestar, Mercedes-Benz and Nissan. StellantisHyundai and Volkswagen are reportedly considering the move, as well.

Today, Tesla is back in the news after making the switch to kWh billing at Supercharges across Canada. In other words, owners will no longer be billed by the amount of time their vehicle is plugged in.

Photo: Tesla

Now, a quick backgrounder. Measurement Canada is in the process of introducing requirements to allow electric vehicle charging based on the amount of energy consumed during a charge (i.e. by kWh). These requirements are consistent with the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act (EGIA), which sets out the requirements for determining how measuring devices must perform when they are used to establish a charge for the purchase or sale of electricity.

As pointed out by Drive Tesla Canada, the new billing system at Tesla’s Superchargers across the country comes six months after Measurement Canada introduced a temporary dispensation program for commercial Level 3+ chargers already in use from coast to coast. This temporary dispensation will be valid until 2030, after which all public chargers in Canada will use kWh billing.

Photo: Drive Tesla Canada

Most 72kW Superchargers now display a rate of under $0.30/kWh, while most 150kW and 250kW Superchargers display a rate of $0.47/kWh, according to a review conducted by Drive Tesla Canada. In the end, charging your Tesla will cost roughly the same as it did with the previous time-based billing system. It’ll simply be clearer and fairer.

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