GM Selling Off Golf Course, Abandoned Church?

Published on October 23, 2010 in News by Dan Fritter

Although GM may be earning more than a few kudos for the effort they’ve put behind making good on their new lease on life, it’s easy to forgot the bloated, overextended company that GM once was. And that’s because GM doesn’t want you to remember that part.

So, quietly toiling in the shadows has been one Motors Liquidation Co., selling off the useless assets of the old General Motors. Those assets typically include everything from memento-like office trimmings to machinery to entire production lines, facilities and real estate. Moving from place to place, the sales take the guise of an auction, with the most recent one seeing the demise of the Livonia engine plant. Once the proud home of the Northstar V8, the auction included everything except the real estate itself, and also included a few unrelated accoutrements from General Motors’ past. Interestingly, those accoutrements include a few things you wouldn’t expect; like Hyatt Hills Golf Complex in Clark, New Jersey. Built atop the once-contaminated soil of demolished GM plant, the complex is apparently “one of the finest nine-hole golf courses in all of New Jersey,” according to Clark Mayor Sal Bonaccorso. Even more interesting though is one abandoned Pentecostal church located in Bedford, Indiana. Once purchased alongside lots of homes as a result of a toxic waste spill that contaminated the neighborhood, GM has since cleaned the area up.

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