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Volkswagen Fuel Supply Recall #2014307

Recall date July 22, 2014
Models affected
  • 2009 Volkswagen Tiguan
  • 2010 Volkswagen Tiguan
  • 2011 Volkswagen Tiguan
  • 2012 Volkswagen Tiguan
  • 2013 Volkswagen Tiguan
  • 2014 Volkswagen Tiguan
Units affected 38,101

On certain vehicles, deposits may collect on fuel pump connections and reduce fuel pump performance.

This could cause the engine to stall, resulting in a loss of motive power and increasing the risk of a crash causing injury and/or damage to property.

Correction: Dealers will update vehicle software to increase fuel pump pressure in order to prevent deposits from forming.

Additional information may be available on Transport Canada's website

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