Record-breaking Toyota Mirai Goes 1,360 Km on Single Tank of Hydrogen

Published on October 8, 2021 in Hydrogen-powered fuel cell by Guillaume Rivard

Toyota made quite an announcement today to mark the 7th Annual National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day. Its redesigned 2021 Mirai officially set the Guinness World Record for the longest distance by a hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle without refueling.

The feat was achieved back in August during a two-day roundtrip tour of Southern California. The car managed to travel a whopping 1,360 kilometres on a single, five-minute complete fill of hydrogen.

This, by the way, is more than double the official range of the Toyota Mirai, rated at 647 kilometres.

Photo: Toyota

Professional hypermilers Wayne Gerdes and Bob Winger first completed a long highway trip of 761 kilometres. The next day, the drive mostly consisted of local driving loops totalling 599 kilometres in morning and afternoon rush-hour traffic. The temperature ranged from 18-28 degrees Celsius.

By the end of the record-setting adventure, the Mirai consumed a total of 5.65 kilograms of hydrogen and passed a total of 12 hydrogen stations along the drive routes without refueling. Its energy efficiency was 1.55 Le/100 km. By comparison, a battery-powered Tesla Model 3 Long Range manages 1.8 Le/100 km.

The few customers and businesses leasing the Mirai in California, B.C. and Quebec can’t hope to match that feat, obviously, but even though the conditions were ideal and hypermiling techniques were used, you have to admit that Toyota’s fuel cell system is really advanced. In fact, the Mirai landed on Wards Auto’s 10 Best Engine & Propulsion Systems list for 2021.

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