Vancouver Gets Nearly $19 Million in Federal Funds for New EV Chargers

Published on February 28, 2023 in Electric by The Car Guide

The Canadian government will invest nearly $19 million for the installation of around 2,400 EV chargers in British Columbia, over 1,880 of which will be installed across Greater Vancouver.

The CleanBC Go Electric Program will also provide $2.2 million toward Level 3 public chargers to be installed in the province. 

This funding was provided to 26 projects, led by organizations such as municipalities, multi-residential buildings, businesses and utilities. Chargers will be installed in workplaces, transport hubs, multi-unit residential buildings, and along key highway corridors.

Federal funding will be provided through Natural Resources Canada’s Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) as well as the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program that supports demonstrations of next-generation and innovative EV charging and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure.

BC Hydro and Power Authority will receive the largest single portion of the funds, with $2.95 million for the installation of 56 Level 3 charging stations at public locations throughout the province.

Real estate developer PCI King George Developments Inc. will add 782 Level 2 chargers, plus a single Level 3 charging station, at multi-unit residential and office buildings in Surrey with support of $2.9 million from Ottawa.

Meanwhile, the Vancouver Airport Authority has secured $1.6 million in funding to install 46 Level 2 and 28 Level 3 stations in Richmond.

Thanks to the funds invested to date by the ZEVIP, more than 34,500 new charging stations will be installed from coast to coast by 2027.  

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