10 Facts About the 2019 Porsche Cayenne

Published on November 10, 2017 in Galleries by Alain Morin

Photo: Alain Morin

In all Porsche vehicles, you start the engine using a key located on the left of the steering wheel. However, there’s a story behind the ignition’s location. Between 1925 and 1969 at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, drivers were required to run to their cars at the signal. By placing the key on the left, Porsche saved precious tenths of seconds, since the pilot was able to start the engine faster. Today, although most manufacturers have switched to push-button ignitions, Porsche has kept the key, non-traditional as it may be. The real key is a device that you keep in your pocket or toss in a cupholder in the central console. To start the 2019 Cayenne’s engine, instead of pushing a red button, simply turn the key-like protuberance.

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